Idle Forms

PaintingsBase exploration of shapes and colors in large scale oil and acrylic paintings.

2008 - 2009

Oscillation Orthodox, oil on canvas, 60” X 48”

Poses and Osmosis, oil on canvas, 60” X 48”

Street Flash, acrylic and oil on canvas, 36” X 48”

Anon/Ago, oil and acrylic on canvas, 36” X 48”

Periphery, oil on canvas

New, New Fashioned, oil on canvas

Original Artist Statement

This series has been about building up a new vocabulary of forms through abstract pieces that are complex, vibrant, and energetic in terms of shape, line, pattern, and movement. What I am interested in exploring with these works are the purely aesthetic aspect of art making such as creation of balance, spacial relationships, atmosphere, form, color, light, contrast, and the very paint itself.

Bacon, Bosch, and Ernst

I have always been taken with a highly complex, chaotic, and assymetrically balanced compositional style like the work of those mentioned above. This was the first series I ever did in large scale (4 to 6ft wide) and it ended up adding a new depth of play and freedom to my work which is the element that draws me most to painting in general and to abstraction in the first place.