
A Woman of Many Hats



/ˌsigh-mean/ /ah-deeve/

• noun
A Swiss Army knife
in human form.

A Curious Creative with an Easy to Pronounce Name

  • Developer
    Devoid of a childhood of sun or fun, Symin taught herself to code websites in 1999 at the tender age of 11. In her professional career, she has coded a couple hundred emails and developed a dozen or so sites.

  • Designer
    Over a decade of experience in branding, art direction and both print and digital design.Symin is a chameleon that can cater to any client:

  • Artist
    Symin makes sad/fun art.
    She's won QCA grant twice as well as a City Artist Grant from New York Foundation For The Arts.
    She often uses multiple hats in her arts practice. Her work combines hurt and humor. It both overshares and sugarcoats. She uses her background in comedy and design to make the unpalatable palatable via many a mediums (film, digital, 2d/3d arts, interactivities).

  • Performer
    It brings Symin deep shame to admit she is in fact a comedian and extreme pride to admit she is an occasional thespian and performance artist! She has performed all around NYC theatres from UCB, The Pit, Queens Theatre and more. Symin is in Norway at the moment working on a film she played way too many parts in. Puppets are involved.

  • Writer
    Her biggest claim to fame is that she writes headlines for The Onion.
    But, she also writes serious things for those like her who enjoy a good cry. Symin has range: she has written copy for both boring brands and fun brands.

Body of Work